发表论文160余篇,包括国际期刊IEEE Trans. on Image Processing、IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology、 IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering、IEEE Trans. on Multimedia等。目前70余篇被SCI检索,73篇被EI检索,被国内外同行他引2000余次。论文曾被评为IAS09最佳会议论文奖、IIH-MSP10最佳会议论文奖、电子学会年度优秀论文、北京铁道学会青年优秀论文二等奖、第五届全国信号处理学术年会优秀论文奖、中国电子学会第十届青年学术会议优秀论文奖等。编辑出版著作4部,其中国际出版商Springer出版2部。




1. Huawei Tian, Yuming Fang, Yao Zhao, Weisi Lin, Rongrong Ni, Zhefeng Zhu, Salient Region Detection by Fusing Bottom-up and Top-down Features Extracted from a Single Image, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ,Vol.23, No. 10, 2014.

2. Lei Zhang, Yao Zhao, Zhenfeng Zhu,Shikui Wei,Xindong Wu, Mining Semantically Consistent Patterns for Cross-View Data, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (on line).

3. Yanhui Xiao, Zhu Zhenfeng, and Yao Zhao, Yunchao Wei, Shikui Wei, Kernel Reconstruction ICA for Sparse Representation, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (on line).

4. Yanhui Xiao,Zhenfeng Zhu,Yao Zhao, Yunchao Wei,Shikui Wei, Xuelong Li, Topographic NMF for Data Representation, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (on line).

5. Huihui Bai, Weisi Lin, Mengmeng Zhang, Anhong Wang, Yao Zhao, Multiple Description Video Coding Based on Human Visual System Characteristics, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , Vol. 24, No. 8, 2014.

6. Chao Yao, Tammam Tillo, Yao Zhao, Jimin Xiao, Huihui Bai, Chunyu Lin, Depth Map Driven Hole Filling Algorithm Exploiting Temporal Correlation Information, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol. 60, No. 2, 2014.

7. Gang Cao,Yao Zhao, Rongrong Ni , Xuelong Li, Contrast Enhancement-Based Forensics in Digital Images, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol.9, No.3, pp. 515 - 525, 2014.

8. Bo Ou, Xiaolong Li, Yao Zhao, Rongrong Ni, Yun Q. Shi, Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion for Efficient Reversible Data Hiding. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.22, no.12, pp.5010-5021, Dec. 2013.


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9. Lili Meng, Jie Liang, Upul Samarawickrama, Yao Zhao, Huihui Bai, Andr′e Kaup, Multiple Description Coding with Randomly and Uniformly Offset Quantizers, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, VOL. 23, NO. 2, 2014.


10. Jimin Xiao, Tammam Tillo, Chunyu Lin, Yungang Zhang, Yao Zhao,A Real-Time Error Resilient Video Streaming Scheme Exploiting the Late- and Early-Arrival Packets,IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, VOL. 59, NO. 3, 2013.


11. Han Huang, John W. Woods, Yao Zhao, Huihui Bai, Control-Points Representation and Differential Coding for Affine Motion Compensation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, VOL. 23, NO. 10, 2013.


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12. Huawei Tian, Yao Zhao, Rongrong Ni, Lunming Qin, and Xuelong Li, LDFT-Based Watermarking Resilient to Local Desynchronization Attacks, IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, VOL. 43, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2013.


13. Lunming Qin, Ce Zhu, Yao Zhao, Huihui Bai, Huawei Tian, Generalized Gradient Vector Flow for Snakes:New Observations, Analysis and Improvement, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, VOL. 23, NO. 5, 2013.


14.Jimin Xiao, Tammam Tillo, Yao Zhao,Real-Time Video Streaming Using Randomized Expanding Reed-Solomon Code,IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, VOL. 23, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2013.


15. Shikui Wei, Dong Xu, Xuelong Li, and Yao Zhao, Joint Optimization Toward Effective and Efficient Image Search, IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, VOL. 43, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2013.

16. Jimin Xiao, Tammam Tillo, Chunyu Lin and Yao Zhao, Sub-GOP Forward Error Correction Code for Real-time Video Applications, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia VOL. 14, NO. 4, AUGUST 2012.
17. Yao Zhao, Rongrong Ni, Zhenfeng Zhu, RST Transforms Resistant Image Watermarking based on Centroid and Sector-shaped Partition, Science in China: Series F Information Science (中国科学F辑),Vol. 55. No. 3, 2012.
18. Gang Cao, Yao Zhao, Rongrong Ni, Alex C. Kot, Unsharp Masking Sharpening Detection via Overshoot Artifacts Analysis, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 18, No. 10, 2011.
19.   Nan Liu, Yao Zhao, Zhenfeng Zhu, Hanqing Lu, Exploiting Visual-Audio-Textual Characteristics for Automatic TV Commercial Block Detection and Segmentation, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Vol.13, No.5, 2011.

20. Chunyu Lin, Tammam Tillo, Yao Zhao, Byeungwoo Jeon, Multiple description coding for H.264/AVC with redundancy allocation at macro block level, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , Vol. 21, No. 5, 2011.

21. Shikui Wei, Yao Zhao, Ce Zhu, Changsheng Xu, Zhenfeng Zhu, Frame Fusion for Video Copy Detection, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , Vol. 21, No. 1, 2011.
22. Shikui Wei, Yao Zhao, Zhenfeng Zhu, Nan Liu, Multimodal Fusion for Video Search Reranking, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 8, 2010.
23. Huawei Tian, Yao Zhao, Rongrong Ni, Geometrically Robust Image Watermarking by Sector-Shaped Partitioning of Geometric-Invariant Regions, Optics Express, vol. 17, No. 24, 2009.
24. Gang Cao, Yao Zhao, Rongrong Ni, Detection of image sharpening based on histogram aberration and ringing artifact, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2009), pp. 1026 - 1029, 2009
25. Shaowei Weng, Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Rongrong Ni, Reversible Watermarking Based on Invariability and Adjustment on Pixel Pairs, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 15, pp. 721-724, 2008.
26. Chunyu Lin, Yao Zhao, Ce Zhu, Two-stage Diversity-based Multiple Description Image Coding, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 15, pp. 837-840, 2008.
27. Zhiyuan Zhang, Ce Zhu, Yao Zhao, Two-Description Image Coding With Steganography, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.15, pp. 887-890, 2008.
28. Lifang Yu, Yao Zhao, Rongrong Ni and Zhenfeng Zhu,PM1 steganography in JPEG images using genetic algorithm,Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications,Springer, vol. 13, no.4, pp. 393-400, 2009.
29. Anhong Wang, Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Residual distributed video coding based on LQR-hash, Chinese Journal of Electronics,vol. 18,no. 1, pp. 109-112, 2009.
30. Rongrong Ni, Qiuqi Ruan, Yao Zhao, Pinpoint authentication watermarking based on a chaotic system, Forensic Science International, Vol. 179, No. 1, 2008, pp. 54-62.
31. Yufeng Zhao, Yao Zhao, Zhenfeng Zhu, Pseudo relevance feedback for search-based image annotation, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.26, No.3, pp. 471-474, 2008.6.
32. Yufeng Zhao, Yao Zhao, Zhenfeng Zhu, MR-MIL: Manifold Ranking Based Multiple-instance  Learning for Automatic Image Annotation,IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E91-A, No.10, 2008, 10
33. Shaowei Weng, Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Rongrong Ni, Reversible Data Hiding Using the Companding Technique and Improved DE Method,Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2008
34. Shaowei Weng, Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Rongrong Ni, Reversible Watermarking Based on PMO of Triplet,IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, October 12–15, 2008, San Diego, California, USA
35. Fang Wang,  Zhenfeng Zhu, Yao Zhao,Strategy of Combining Random Subspace and Diversified Active Learning in CBIR,IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, October 12–15, 2008, San Diego, California, USA
36. Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Zhenfeng Zhu, RST Resilient Multi-bit Image Watermarking Based on Bitplane Centroids, The Imaging Science Journal, vol. 56, No. 1, 2008
37. Huihui Bai, Yao Zhao, Ce Zhu, Priority Encoding Transmission Based Multiple Description Video Coding over Packet Loss Network, Data Compresssion Conference (DCC’08), Snowbird Utah, USA, 2008.
38. Shaowei Weng, Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Lossless Data Hiding Based on Companding Technique and Difference Expansion of Triplets, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E90-A, No. 8, August 2007
39. Shaowei Weng, Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan,Reversible watermarking resistant to cropping attack, IET Information Security, Volume 1,  Issue 2,  June 2007
40. Huihui Bai, Ce Zhu and Yao Zhao, Optimized Multiple Description Lattice Vector Quantization for Wavelet Image Coding, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , Vol. 17, No. 7, 2007
41. 赵耀,基于小波变换的抵抗几何攻击的鲁棒视频水印,中国科学E辑36(2), 2006
42. Zhenfeng Zhu, Hanqing Lu, Yao Zhao, Scale multiplication in odd Gabor transform domain for edge detection, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Volume 18, Issue 1,February 2007
43. Zhiyuan Zhang, Yao Zhao, Enhanced fractal image coding (FIC) with collage and reconstruction residuals, Computing and Informatics,Vol.26, No.2, 2007
44. Huihui Bai, Yao Zhao, Ce Zhu, Description Video Coding Using Adaptive Temporal Sub-sampling, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME07), 2007, China
45. Shaowei Weng, Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Rongrong Ni, A novel high-capacity reversible watermarking scheme,  IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME07), 2007, China
46.Liang Zhang, Zhenfeng Zhu, Yao Zhao, ROBUST COMMERCIAL DETECTION SYSTEM, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo (ICME07), 2007, China
47. Shaowei Weng, Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan, A novel reversible watermarking based on an integer transform, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’07), 2007, USA 
48. Huihui Bai, Yao Zhao, Ce Zhu, Multiple Description Shifted Lattice Vector Quantization For Progressive Wavelet Image CodingIEEE International conference on image processing 2006,USA
49. Anhong Wang, Yao Zhao, Lei Wei Wavelet-Domain Distributed Video Coding With Motion-Compensation RefinementIEEE International conference on image processing 2006,USA
50. 杨文学,桑茂栋,赵耀,软判决检测的鲁棒图像水印方案, 铁道学报,第27卷,第1期,2005
51. Yunda Sun, Yao Zhao, Baozong Yuan, Region-based fractal image coding with freely-shaped partition, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.13, No. 3, 2004
52.杨文学,赵耀, 抵抗仿射变换攻击的多比特图像水印,信号处理,第20卷,第3期, 2004
53.桑茂栋,赵耀, 抵抗几何攻击的数字图像水印,电子与信息学报,第26卷,第12期, 2004
54.苏宏江,赵耀,邢强,一种特征库可更新的相关反馈图像检索方法,铁道学报,第26卷, 第6期, 2004
55. Yunda Sun, Yao Zhao, Baozong Yuan, A parallel implementation of improved fractal image coding based on tree topology, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2003
56. Yao Zhao, Hongxing Wang, Baozong Yuan, Multiple same-sized block mapping for recursive fractal image coding, Optical Engineering, 41(2), 2002
57. Yao Zhao, Reginald L.Lagendijk, Video Watermarking Scheme Resistant to Geometric Attacks, IEEE International conference on image processing, 2002, USA
58. 赵耀,王红星,袁保宗, 分形图像编码研究的进展, 电子学报, 第28卷, 第4期,2000
59. Yao Zhao, Baozong Yuan, A New Affine Transformation: Its Theory and Application to Image Coding, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol.8, No.3, 1998
60.Yao Zhao, Baozong Yuan, Image Compression Using Fractals and Discrete Cosine Transform, Electronics Letters, Vol. 30, No. 6, 1994