


报告人:Jimin XIAO

时间: 2019年02月20日(周三)上午09:00-11:00

地点: 北京交通大学九教北609会议室

报告主题:《 Reinforcement Learning in Visual Tracking and Video Segmentation



Topic: Reinforcement Learning in Visual Tracking and Video Segmentation


Bio:  Jimin XIAO received the B.S and M.E degrees in Telecommunication Engineering from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China, in 2004, 2007, respectively. He received PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Electronics from University of Liverpool, UK, in 2013. From Nov. 2013- Nov.2014, he was a senior researcher in the Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, and an external researcher in Nokia Research Center, Tampere, Finland. Since Dec.2014, he joined Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University as a faculty member. His research interests are in the areas of image/video processing, computer vision, deep learning.